Scribes Strategic Plan
October 2024 

Strategic Priority 1: Scribes will continue to promote quality modern legal writing.

  • Scribes will continue to publish a high-quality journal and newsletter. 
  • Scribes will continue to sponsor awards related to high-quality legal writing.
  • Scribes will continue to sponsor the National Orders of Scribes for outstanding law students.
  • Scribes will develop, distribute, and update guides, standards, and advice regarding quality legal writing. 
  • Scribes will produce a “Best of the Scribes Journal” book. 
  • Scribes will seek strategic relationships with other organizations that share the Scribes mission. 
  • Scribes will start and support a Scribes Fellows program to help produce quality materials for the Scribes Canvas site.
  • Scribes will support institutional members in creating student societies.

Strategic Priority 2: Scribes strives to be a recognized leader in promoting clear, forceful legal writing.

  • Scribes will survey members to determine what benefits and services they value. 
  • Scribes will continue and expand its membership outreach and promotional opportunities.
  • Scribes will plan special activities for its 75th anniversary in 2026.

Strategic Priority 3: Scribes will use the most effective means to promote the organization, the organization’s work, and quality legal writing. 

  • Scribes will maintain a website that offers members information about the organization and high-quality legal writing. 
  • Scribes will use social media to help achieve this priority. 
  • Scribes will feature, on its website and in its publication, the work and advice of outstanding legal writers. 
  • Scribes will provide meaningful service opportunities for its members. 
  • Scribes will proactively thank individuals who participate as screeners for awards programs.